Cancellation rights

Right of revocation

You may revoke your contract declaration in writing (e.g. letter, fax, email) without giving reasons within 14 days, or – if you have received the goods before expiry of the stated period – by returning the goods. Such period shall commence upon receipt of this notice in writing, but not before the recipient has received the items (in case of recurring deliveries not before receipt of the first partial delivery), and not before we have fulfilled our obligation to inform pursuant to art. 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Abs. 1 and 2 EGBGB [Introductory Law of the Civil Code] as well as our obligations pursuant to § 312e para. 1 sent. 1 BGB [German Civil Code] in conjunction with art. 246 § 3 EGBGB. To meet the revocation period the timely dispatch of the revocation letter or the items shall be sufficient. The revocation should be addressed to:

SOLE RUNNER® Barfuss Schuhe
Bahnhofstr. 12
86911 Diessen a. Ammersee
fax: +49 8807 244 9 88 9

Consequences of revocation
If the contract is effectively revoked, services received by both parties shall be returned and any benefits derived from the same (e.g. interest) surrendered. Should you be partially or wholly unable to return the items received from us, or only to return them in a deteriorated condition, you shall to this extent provide compensation accordingly. If goods are made available to you, this shall not apply if the deterioration in their condition resulted only from the inspection of the same, such as may have occurred in a retail store. For the rest, you may avoid any duty to provide compensation for any deterioration of the goods caused by the intended use, by not using the goods as your own property and refraining from all actions that may affect its value. Items suitable for parcel-post shipment shall be returned at our risk. You shall bear the regular costs of return if the items delivered correspond to the ones ordered and if the price of the item to be returned does not exceed an amount of 40 Euros, or if you, in case of a higher price of the items, have not rendered the counter-performance or made a contractually agreed partial payment in the moment of revocation. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you. Items not suitable for parcel-post shipment shall be collected from you. Obligations to refund payments shall be fulfilled within 30 days. For you, such period shall commence upon sending the declaration of revocation or the items; and for us upon receipt of the same.

- End of revocation instructions -

Please avoid any action that may damage or dirty the goods. As far as is possible, please send us back the items in the original packaging and together with all attachments and fittings and with all packaging components. Where appropriate, use protective packaging. If you no longer have the original packaging, please ensure that you use suitable packaging which sufficiently protects the goods from damage in transit, in order to avoid claims for damages as a result of inadequate packaging.
Please note that the modalities contained in the sections above are not a requirement for an effective exercise of the revocation right.

Cost allocation agreement
If you exercise your revocation right, you have to bear the regular costs of the return shipment if
the goods correspond to the ordered ones and if the price of the goods to be returned do not exceed an amount of 40 euros
or if you, in the case of a higher price of the goods, have not yet rendered the counter-performance or made the contractually agreed partial payment at the moment of revocation. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you.

This cost allocation agreement shall apply to orders from Germany only. This agreement shall not apply for any other countries we deliver to.